5 Demonstrações simples sobre orgasme Explicado

5 Demonstrações simples sobre orgasme Explicado

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Premature ejaculation may be due to a combination of psychological factors such as guilt or anxiety and biological factors such as hormone levels or nerve damage.

According to the Masters and Johnson four-phase model, the physiological process that takes place during female orgasm is:

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Orgasms can occur in many ways. Orgasms do not necessarily have to involve the genitals, nor do they have to link with sexual desires, as evidenced by examples of exercise-induced orgasm.

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Pada wanita, kesulitan mencapai orgasme mungkin hal yang umum. Ini dapat terjadi karena masalah fisik dan psikologis. 

Berdasarkan artikel di Mayo Clinic, kebanyakan wanita mengalami orgasme hanya selama mendapatkan rangsangan klirotis.

Masturbasi anal hanya bisa dilakukan dengan kuku pendek. Jika Anda ingin mencapai orgasme anal, potong dahulu kuku tangan atau minta bantuan suami.

Ya, terlalu sering masturbasi dinilai dapat menurunkan kepuasan hubungan seksual sehingga tidak mencapai orgasme. 

Orgasme kering biasanya tidak berbahaya, tetapi bisa saja memengaruhi kemampuan jika Anda ingin memiliki anak.

Sexual culture has placed the orgasm on a pedestal, often prizing it as the only goal for sexual encounters.

Male orgasmic disorder (male anorgasmia) involves a persistent and recurrent delay or absence of orgasm following sufficient stimulation.

Kesehatan 879 Titik klimaks wanita itu berbeda, waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk mencapainya tidak sama, dan rangsangannya juga bervariasi. Tapi, pernahkah Ladies mengalami kesullitan untuk mencapai klimaks padahal sangat menikmati hubungan seks yang berlangsung?

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